Image Description: White male with short hair and purple polo shirt is standing in front of a light blue wall.

Hello I’m Sean Furman, the Testing Coordinator for CASLI (Center of Assessment of Sign Language Interpretation).

I have been busy working setting up LTA (Local Test Administrator) site all over the United States.  We have been making progress with many interested sites; however, we have identified specific areas or regions that we need more LTA sites in.  For instance, states such as California, Texas, Florida, and Mid-West region which currently has none so we certainly need more. If you know of possible LTA sites such as schools for the Deaf, Deaf organizations, interpreting agencies, colleges that have interpreting training programs, and so forth, feel free to reach out to them and have them contact us or let us know and I will reach out to them. We looking forward to implementing LTA sites all over the nation and we need your help in growing our number of LTA sites. 

Thank you for watching and have a great day.