Before you take a CASLI Exam, you will want to review the entire testing process. As each exam can be different, we recommend specifically reviewing that exams “Exam Details” webpage.
Once you have met exam eligibility, have purchased, and have scheduled the exam, your next step will be to prepare for your exam day. All candidates must have an acceptable form of ID with them on their exam day.
After you have taken your exam, it will take some time for your results to be reflected in your RID/CASLI Account. Once your results have come in, they will be uploaded into the RID/CASLI Portal and you will get an automated email…
Interpreting happens whenever two people or two groups of people do not share a common language but need to or want to communicate with each other in order to conduct business or share information and ideas.
Candidates can find a list of suggested reference materials under the appropriate exam as well as purchase CASLI study exam materials.
Your questions answered here, including what exam you should take, eligibility requirements, requesting accommodations, where to find a list of exam test sites and more!
——— CASLI News ———
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