Opening Slide Image Description:
Screen opens with the CASLI Logo: CASLI letterings split into two. One half is red and the other half is grey with “Center for the Assessment of Sign Language Interpretation” juxtaposed in between the split CASLI letterings. August 2022: CASLI Updates in black text

Image Description:
Screen dissolves to show Sean Furman, white man smiling, wearing a pink orangish polo shirt sitting in a chair against a grey background.


Hello everyone, I am Sean Furman, CASLI’s Director of Testing. Hope all is well with you all. Summer is almost over and autumn is approaching.  One thing I am looking forward during the fall season is pumpkin spiced flavored foods and drinks especially for the next few months.

CASLI has a few updates to share with you related to our tests and other things within CASLI.

CASLI Performance Exam – NIC:

The CASLI Performance Exam – NIC was released July 2022 and so far, candidates have been taking the exam. That exam is currently in the beta period and what that mean is candidates will not be getting their exam results within 90 days as they typically.  Beta period could be six (6) months or longer depending on progress being made. As candidates continues to take the exam, we need to collect a minimum of 50 – 60 exams for the scoring committee to convene to review these exams. Once they have established the scoring criteria, the next stage will be rater training, where they will be trained to properly score the exam following the scoring criteria. That will take some time and CASLI will make sure we are making continuous progress and keep you informed with updates. At this time, we anticipate candidates will get Performance exam (NIC) result sometime in 2023, either late winter or early spring of 2023.  We will continue to update you as progress are made.

CASLI Performance Exam – CDI: 

Candidates have taken the CASLI Performance Exam – CDI exams and the scoring committee have review these exams. They recently have completed their work and we are moving into the next stage which is rater training, making sure raters understands the scoring criteria and how to rate following the criteria. Once training is completed, raters will start rating candidates’ exams and candidates can expect their exam result shortly after that.  We are confident that candidates will get their exam results Fall 2022.  We know that many of the candidates have been waiting patiently with anticipation for their exam results and we thank you for your patience with this.

CASLI Generalist Knowledge Exam and Case Studies Exam:

Both exams have been operating well and continues to be administered, even with some candidates retaking the exam.  One thing to be aware is that candidates can expect their exam results for both CASLI Generalist Knowledge Exam and Case Studies exam within 10 business days from the date they took the exam. If you, for some reason, did not get your exam results, please contact us and we will check the system to assure you get your exam results.

Another thing to notify you specifically with the Case Studies exam, candidates who start with taking the CASLI Generalist Knowledge Exam will be taking the Case Studies exam  or candidates who passed the NIC Knowledge Exam, prior to January 2021, will be taking the Case Studies Exam with the Performance exam.  We wanted to make sure you are aware that you would be taking the Case Studies with either the Knowledge exam or the Performance exam (depending on your exam history). CASLI strives to be consistent with our practice to make it easier to track candidates’ exam history and make it easier to support everyone through the process.  Anytime, you have questions related to this, please do not hesitate to contact us.

CASLI’s Network of Testing Sites:

CASLI continues to work in expanding our network of testing sites across the United States. We need your help and support with this. If you know of possible sites in your area or even your state that might be a good fit as a testing site, please contact us and let us know.  We will work to reach out with them and initiate dialogue with them to see if they are interested in becoming a testing site.  CASLI’s goal is to continually expand our network of testing sites, so candidates do not need to travel far to test sites. Again, that is where we need your support.  If you think of possible site(s), let us know.

CASLI’s Testing Manager:

The last thing to share is CASLI Is thrilled to let you know that CASLI has recently hired a new addition to CASLI’s team. This individual is the new Testing Manager for CASLI and they will be supporting you, candidates, testing sites, and others.  Here is her introduction video.

Image Description: (Video dissolve to white woman with blonde hair, wearing black shirt with grey jacket, sitting in front of light grey backdrop.)

Hello, my name is Amie Santiago. I reside in the beautiful state of Utah. I am a certified interpreter since 2006 and have been interpreting since then.  In 2016, I was hired as part of Utah Interpreter Program, focused on facilitating the State Certification program. As part of that, I was interpreting and also was behind the scenes with testing development process and all it entailed.  Now, I am part of CASLI’s team as the new Testing Manager and I am excited to be here.

Image Description:
Screen dissolves back to Sean Furman, white man smiling, wearing a pink orangish polo shirt sitting in a chair against a grey background.

We are thrilled and excited to have Amie part of the team and looking forward to what Amie, with her skills, knowledge and experience, will bring to CASLI, the testing development process and expansion of CASLI network of testing sites across the United States.

Again, at any time you have question or need more information, please contact me, Sami or Amie.

That’s all for now. Enjoy the rest of the summer and see you next time.

Screen dissolves to show the CASLI Logo.

Closing Slide Image Description:
Sean Furman, Testing Coordinator  VP/VRS: 571-257-4761

Amie Santiago, Testing Manager 

Sami Willicheva, Testing Specialist  VP/VRS: 571-357-3896 (in black text)